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Best practices for writing about culture and customs while traveling

As a traveler, it’s important to be respectful and mindful of the cultures and customs of the places you visit. Writing about these cultures and traditions can be a rewarding way to document your travels, but it’s also essential to do so in a sensitive and accurate way. Let’s see some of the best practices to keep in mind when writing about culture and customs while traveling:

1 Do your research

writing about local culture
Photo: Carlos Castilla

Before you start writing, do your homework and gather as much information as possible about the culture and customs of the place you’re visiting. This can help you avoid making mistakes or assumptions that could be offensive or incorrect.

There are many ways to do research when writing about culture and customs while traveling. Here are three concrete examples of how you can gather information for your writing:

Interview locals: One of the best ways to learn about a culture is to talk to people who live there. You can interview locals about their customs, traditions, and daily life to better understand the culture.

Read about the culture: Many resources are available for learning about different cultures, including books, articles, and websites. Reading about the culture can help you gain a deeper understanding of its customs, traditions, and history.

Observe and participate: Another way to learn about a culture is to simply observe and participate in daily life. You can watch how people interact with each other, what they eat and drink, and how they celebrate and attend important events. You can also participate in local activities and festivals to better understand the culture firsthand.

2 Respect local norms

writing about culture and customs while traveling
Photo: bhimsingh29

Different cultures have different norms and expectations, so it’s essential to be mindful of these when writing about them. For example, some cultures may emphasize privacy more, while others may be more open and welcoming.

Respecting local norms is an integral part of being a respectful and mindful traveler, and it’s also important to consider these norms when writing about a culture or place. Here are three examples of how you can respect local standards when writing about culture and customs:

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Follow local customs and traditions: For example, in some cultures, it may be customary to remove your shoes before entering a home, while in others, it may be considered rude to touch someone’s head or show the soles of your feet.

Respect privacy: Different cultures have different expectations of privacy, and it’s essential to be mindful when writing about people or places. For example, you may need to ask permission before taking photos of people or posting them online, or you may need to be more cautious about sharing personal information about someone in your writing.

Be open to new perspectives: This means listening to and learning from others and avoiding the temptation to impose your own cultural values or assumptions on others.

3 Seek out diverse perspectives

writing about culture and customs while traveling
Photo: Jason Doiy

It’s important to understand a culture better than relying on stereotypes or a single point of view. Seek out diverse perspectives and voices to help paint a complete picture of the culture you’re writing about.

Seeking out diverse perspectives is an integral part of creating well-rounded and accurate content when writing about culture and customs while traveling. Here are three examples of how you can seek out diverse perspectives and include them in your travel articles:

Talk to a variety of people: Rather than relying on a single point of view, try to gather information from various people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Here we include talking to locals, other travelers, experts, or people with lived experience of the culture you’re writing about.

Read diverse sources: In addition to talking to people, it’s also important to read various sources when researching culture and customs – books, articles, and websites written by people with different backgrounds and perspectives.

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Consider your own biases: Be aware of your own preferences and assumptions when writing about culture and customs. By considering your own biases and being open to new perspectives, you can create more accurate and nuanced content.

4 Be mindful of the language

Photo: Jacob Lund

Different cultures have different ways of expressing themselves, and it’s important to be mindful of this when writing about them. Avoid using jargon or colloquialisms that may be unfamiliar to your audience, and be careful not to use language that could be perceived as condescending or dismissive.

Being mindful of language in travel writing involves using respectful and sensitive language to the culture and people you are writing about. Here are a few tips for including this in your travel articles

Use appropriate terminology: Be mindful of the terms you use to describe people and places. Avoid using phrases that are derogatory or offensive.

Respect local customs and traditions: When writing about a destination, be sure to include information about local customs and traditions, and respect them in your writing using proper language in accordance with the place you visited.

Avoid stereotypes: Avoid using stereotypes or generalizations about a destination or its people. Instead, focus on specific, firsthand experiences and observations.

Be inclusive: Consider using inclusive language and avoiding exclusive or divisive language.

Consider your audience: Think about who will be reading your article and how they might interpret your language.

Here are a few examples of mindful language in travel writing:

  • Instead of saying “Third World country,” you could say “low-income country” or “developing country.”
  • Instead of saying “tribal village,” you could say “indigenous community.”
  • Instead of saying “exotic,” you could say “unfamiliar” or “unusual.”

5 Use inclusive language

writing about culture and customs while traveling
Photo: SolStock

When writing about cultures and customs, it’s important to use inclusive and respectful language. This means avoiding biased or discriminatory language and being mindful of the impact your words may have on your readers.

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Here are a few tips for using inclusive language in travel writing:

Avoid using terms that are derogatory or offensive: Be sure to avoid using language that is derogatory or offensive when describing people or places.

Use people-first language: When describing a person with a disability, use people-first language by mentioning the person before the disability. For example, say “a person with a disability” instead of “a disabled person.”

Use gender-neutral terms: Avoid using gender-specific language unless it is necessary for the context. For example, use “they” instead of “he” or “she” when referring to a person whose gender you do not know or when referring to a group of people.

Use terms that are respectful of cultural differences: When writing about different cultures, be sure to use respectful and accurate terms. For example, instead of saying “primitive,” you could say “traditional” or “indigenous.”

Here are a few examples of inclusive language in travel writing:

  • Instead of saying “illegal immigrant,” you could say “undocumented immigrant.”
  • Instead of saying “handicapped,” you could say “disabled” or “people with disabilities.”
  • Instead of saying “homosexual,” you could say “gay” or “lesbian.”

By using inclusive language in your travel writing, you can help to promote understanding and respect for people of different cultures and backgrounds.

Conclusion about best practices for writing about culture and customs while traveling

In conclusion, following best practices when writing about culture and customs while traveling is essential. This involves using respectful and sensitive language to the culture and people you are writing about and avoiding derogatory or offensive language. It is also important to avoid stereotypes and generalizations and to focus on specific, firsthand experiences and observations. By following these best practices, you can help to promote cultural understanding and respect and create a more enjoyable and enriching experience for your readers.

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writing about culture and customs while traveling

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